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Patrick Tucker
Patrick Tucker
CEO of True Measure Advisors, LLC
CEO of Wise Money Education, LLC
Patrick Tucker is an entrepreneur, published author, wealth manager, coach, lifelong learner, father to six sons, and husband to one with an unshakable passion to educate a massive digital community on finance and money.

As a wealth manager, working with families and coaching advisors, Patrick became painstakingly aware of the lack of financial education in our society. One of the things he's often asked is,

"How do I invest, save, spend and give back in a way that's smart and beneficial to me and my family?"

Patrick is here to serve you and your family, from your 5-year-old to your Grandma. It's his mission to help educate our society on finance; an element of our existence that's intricately weaved into every part of our lives.
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